Hormones and their influence on skin conditions

Posted by Elisa Ansar on

How Hormones Affect Your Skin - A Detailed Guide

Insulin, melatonin and vitamin D are terms you may have heard or read about. These names belong to hormones, one of the most impressive molecules in the body.

Knowing about hormones is important, but.... why? Well, they are substances that play an extremely important role in many processes, including those related to the skin.

The body's largest organ has a close relationship with you and your hormones. They're often the cause of some of your skin's conditions. Here we explain a little more about hormones and their relationship to the skin.


What are hormones?

Let's start with a basic concept. E.H. Sterlin defined in the 20. Century hormones as "that which is secreted directly into the blood by ductile (endocrine) glands."

Today we know that hormones are are fundamental chemical mediators in the regulatory systems of the body. They work together with the nervous system to form a unit often referred to as the neuroendocrine system.


Where do hormones come from?

The endocrine (hormonal) system is a collection of organs and glands specialized in the production of hormones. The major hormone-producing glands are the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pancreas.

These glands are subject to tight control and regulation in the body so that they secrete only the amount of hormones needed at any given time.

Unlike the nervous system, the endocrine system is based on slow regulation. Hormones affect both long- and short-term processes in our bodies, and the pituitary gland (located in the brain) plays an important role in this process.


Are hormones that important?

Yes! Even if it's not clear, you can imagine that they are important in your life.

They are involved in processes such as the growth and development of infants, puberty, reproductive organ development, pregnancy, and menopause.

Likewise, there are their short-term functions that control metabolism, thirst, blood pressure, urination, menstruation, emotions and all sorts of other functions in the organs of the body.

Hormonal changes, whether due to deficiency or excess, can lead to significant health changes such as endocrine diseases.


Relationship between skin and hormones

There is now ample evidence of a close relationship between the endocrine system and the skin. Hormones play a role in the development and physiological function of skin of skin structures such as hair, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands.

The skin functions as a receptor for a large number of hormonesthe most important of which are the sex hormones. However, it can not only absorb them, but also process them, to activate and deactivate hormonal functions.

In the broadest sense, hormones have the role of coordinating changes, strengthening the physical barrier and maintaining the integrity of the skin.


What are the main hormones that affect the skin and how?

There are numerous hormones that act on your skin, transforming it and performing various tasks to keep your body active.

It's time to find out what effects the most popular hormones have on your skin:


Involved in:

  • Skin aging
  • Pigmentation
  • Hair growth
  • Sebum production
  • Affects skin thickness and hydration
  • Reduces UV-induced cell death
  • Improve elasticity
  • Reduces wrinkles and increases collagen production
  • Together with progesterone, it can have many benefits for the skin.


  • The skin is capable of synthesizing androgens and they work as follows:
  • Stimulates hair growth in areas such as the beard, armpits and pubic area.
  • Stimulates the secretion of sebum
  • Modulate the thickness of the different layers of the skin (dermis and epidermis).
  • Play an important role in the development of acne.


  • Accelerates hair growth
  • Stimulates sebum production
  • Promotes the formation of new blood vessels


Although known for its important role during lactation, it is also involved in physiological processes in the skin:

  • Stimulates sebum production
  • Affects hair growth

Growth hormone

  • Can stimulate and reduce sebum production
  • Increases collagen deposition
  • Accelerates wound healing
  • A deficiency of this hormone can lead to dry, thin and wrinkled skin.


  • Maintenance and regeneration of the skin
  • The course of the hair cycle
  • Promotes wound healing
  • Modulates hair growth
  • Counteracts skin aging

Thyroid hormones

These hormones perform numerous vital functions that occur in the skin as follows:

Triiodothyronine (T3) and tetrayodothyronine (T4).

  • Stimulates melanin, the pigment responsible for hair and skin coloration
  • Accelerates the formation of the epidermal barrier
  • Involved in the function of several glands

Thyrotropin and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

  • Promotes hair growth
  • Promotes hair pigmentation
  • Improves the protective mechanisms of hair (TSH)

Acne and hormones

Acne is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the skin, accompanied by the appearance of various types of pimples. It is a common disease that affects more than 85% of teenagers and mostly women.

How can acne and hormones be related? The key word is: "sebum."

We've already told you about the role of different hormones, highlighting "increased sebum production". This is important because the more oil, the easier it is for oil to clog your follicles. And you know, clogged pores mean acne.

Not surprisingly, the population most prone to acne are teenagers and women. Their hormones are significantly higher than adult males.

The effects of hormones on a woman's skin

Hormones are closely related throughout a woman's life. In fact, they have a crucial influence on the aging process.

It is important to know the effects of hormones during the most important developmental phases of life: Menstruation, Pregnancy and Menopause.


Menstruation exposes the skin to a rise and fall of hormones active in the uterus. This affects the skin differently depending on the menstrual phase:

Day of the menstrual cycle


Effects on the skin


Day 1-6

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone at low levels.

Skin looks dry, dull and particularly sensitive.


Day 7-11

Estrogen production begins

Cell renewal of the skin begins


Day 12-16

Estrogen is at its peak and collagen production is underway.

The skin will look radiant and luminous

There is no need to overload the skin with products at this stage.

Day 17-24

Estrogen decreases and progesterone increases.

Skin becomes more prone to oil accumulation and breakouts.

Deep cleansing and moisturizing.

Day 25-28

Testosterone production is higher, menstruation ends.

Skin begins to dry out and becomes more prone to blemishes.

Cleansing and moisturizing


During pregnancy the estrogen and progesterone levels increase. Hormonal fluctuations can make the complexion look radiant, but can also cause skin problems.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, increased blood flow provides a fresh, healthy complexion. In the second trimester, an However, increased progesterone levels can cause acne.

In addition, the increased hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can lead to blemishes. This predisposition disappears three months after pregnancy.


During menopause, estrogen levels decrease. This leads to a loss of facial volume, reduced skin thickness and sagging and wrinkling of the face.

Hyaluronic acid levels in the skin are also affected, and redness and dry skin are common at this stage.

Likewise, insomnia and aging of the skin can lead to symptoms of depression. At this point, it is important to keep the skin hydrated.


Many people may think that the pill is only for contraception, but it is not only used for birth control. It is also used to treat menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and skin problems.

The pills suppress the increase in the amount of progesterone producedso that an improvement in skin problems can often be expected. skin problems can be expected. However, it is important to consult your doctor before taking them. There are many pros and cons to using the pill, so always get professional advice.



How can I recognize a hormonal problem?

There are several signs by which you can recognize a possible case of hormonal imbalance:

  • You're not a teenager anymore, but you still have pimples on your chin.
  • Pimples appear exclusively around your chin and jawline.
  • Acne appears once a month
  • Seborrhea (excessive sebum production by the sebaceous glands).
  • Acne that is resistant to various treatments
  • Menstrual disorders
  • voice changes

    It is important to recognize these disorders. Diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), androgen-secreting tumors or acromegaly are associated with the appearance of acne or skin changes.

    These diseases should be evaluated by the appropriate specialists either for skin problems (dermatologists) or for hormonal problems (endocrinologists).

    Anti-aging hormones and the skin

    It is commonly believed that there are hormone treatments that have a "rejuvenating" effect. Hormones such as growth hormones and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) are very popular in this regard.

    It is not surprising, then, that hormone treatments designed to delay the effects of time are on the rise. Women over 60, who have undergone these treatments, have seen significant improvement in their skin and other areas.

    According to these women, hormone therapy helped strengthen their tissues, restore elasticity to their skin and minimize the signs of aging. This supports the notion that hormone deficiency in adulthood can accelerate the aging process.


    Unauthorized use of hormones in anti-aging treatments

    It is important to note that the field of hormone research is comparatively still in its infancy.

    Hormone therapy must be prescribed and under strict medical supervision to avoid side effects that can lead to diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.

    Taking hormones, in forms not approved by the FDA, can lead to health complications and criminal action.


    What can I do to mitigate the effects of hormones on my skin?

    By understanding how hormones affect us at different stages, we can adjust our routine to prepare for and treat potential skin problems.

    What can we do ourselves to treat the effects of hormones on our skin?

    Hormones can really throw your skin into imbalance. It becomes sensitive, dry or oily, depending on your individual skin type and hormonal predispositions. Therefore it is recommended to establish a self-care routine. Support the functioning of your skin and pay attention to a conscious and holistic lifestyle.


    At Craft & Care, we can help you ensure a simple routine of cleansing, moisturizing and lipid delivery that will provide your skin with what it needs to become more resilient.

    • Clay Cleansing Balm: Provides a comfortable, hydrating cleanse, is non-drying and reliably removes makeup, sunscreen, dirt, sebum and sweat.
    • Hydrating Serum: Has antimicrobial and refreshing properties and provides intense moisture. A well-hydrated skin is much more resistant and is supported in its protective function at the cellular level. The serum is quickly absorbed and leaves a pleasant, light feeling.
    • Balancing Toner: Contains ingredients capable of binding and retaining water for intense hydration. It contains niacinamide, which has a regulating effect on a great many skin conditions, such as fine lines, enlarged pores and impurities.
    • Glory Balm: Softens the skin and protects it from environmental factors that can weaken the skin barrier. The balm has a rich lipid acid spectrum and prevents transepidermal water loss.

    If you have any questions about hormones and skin care, please do not hesitate to contact us. However, we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist, such as a dermatologist or a hormone specialist (endocrinologist).

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