Hyaluronic acid - intense moisture and hydration for your skin

Geposted von Elisa Ansar am

Hyaluronic acid - intense moisture and hydration for your skin

Hyaluronic acid is an indisputable ally of the skin. It repairs the skin and fights the signs of aging: wrinkles, dryness and loss of elasticity. 

One of the properties of hyaluronic acid is to retain water. This contributes to give flexibility to the organ that covers and protects our body: the skin.

Given its powerful functions, it is an indispensable ingredient when it comes to mature skin. Cosmetics often contain it and it is even recommended to apply it directly to the skin.


Woman uses hydrating serum


What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the skin. Its presence is important for retaining water (the amount of water trapped is approximately 1000 times its weight), so it contributes to the tissues being in good condition. 

This is because hyaluronic acid is the key molecule involved in skin hydration. In the human body, this acid is most abundant in the skin. But over the years, its presence diminishes and so do its functions. This is because with the passage of time the skin's regenerative properties diminish and its balance is considerably altered.

Hence, it is necessary to apply hyaluronic acid externally; all in an attempt to replace or combine it with natural hyaluronic acid.


Functions of hyaluronic acid 

It has the function of regulating several biological processes. Among them it stands out:

  • Skin repair
  • Wound healing
  • Regenerate tissues
  • Deflate
  • Contribute to autoimmune processes  
  • Moisturize
  • Improve volume loss and skin distension
  • Improve visible signs of aging

Its use does not cause allergic reactions or irritate sensitive skin.


Fields of application of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid has different fields of application. The following table shows them:




It highlights its use in cancer therapy, soft tissue regeneration, wound treatment.


It plays an important role in drug delivery.


Nutrition for beauty


Restore skin youthfulness

In cosmetology, the use of hyaluronic acid is guaranteed as the main component indicated for rejuvenation.


How is hyaluronic acid used?

There are several ways to use hyaluronic acid on the skin, especially on the face. 

Serums and creams with hyaluronic acid

It is most common for people to buy serums and creams containing hyaluronic acid. This is essentially because they are usually cheaper than the other presentations. This is a more recommended option for skin whose signs of aging are not so pronounced.  

Both serums and creams should be applied to the face with small touches and in a circular motion. In this way, better absorption can be achieved and circulation is stimulated. 

Hyaluronic acid ampoules that are not injectable.

This presentation is for topical use and its application is very simple. 

The product is applied directly to the skin with a gentle but sustained massage. To use it correctly, the ampoules of liquid hyaluronic acid are opened carefully. Then apply it to the skin with a gentle circular massage so that the skin absorbs the product. 

It is advisable to use it in the deteriorated area. 

Ampoules of injectable hyaluronic acid.

This presentation is liquid. When applying it, it is recommended that it is carried out by a specialist. 

This treatment is indicated for those skins that already have visible and deep signs of aging. Its use will restore suppleness and firmness to the skin. It fulfills a wrinkle filling function, that is to say, it gives volume to the area and restores it. 


Mild and effective hydration by Craft & Care

At Craft & Care we offer you a product that contains hyaluronic acid. You can use it with confidence, as it is non-irritating and does not cause any allergies or discomfort. 

Moisturizing serum

Our Hydrating serum is a serum that due to its ingredients can hydrate the skin. Thanks to the hyaluronic acid it contains, it can store water in the skin. It also has a wrinkle filling effect and contributes to its elasticity. 

This serum contains both types of hyaluronic acid: 

Definitely, if your skin shows signs of water loss, hyaluronic acid is for you, it offers you to fill the furrows or wrinkles, smooth your skin and restore the suppleness you need. We offer you the safety and care of your skin.  

Hyaluronic Acid: science or myth?

The benefits offered by hyaluronic acid are real and proven in scientific studies. This product has caused a real revolution in the cosmetic and aesthetic medicine field. Its application basically serves as a treatment to rejuvenate the skin.

Hence, this product has displaced botulinum toxin, i.e. botox. Thus, hyaluronic acid fillers are the most commonly used for soft tissue augmentation.

It has been clinically demonstrated that its use by intradermal injection stimulates and activates fibroblasts. Thus, its use on the skin stimulates collagen formation.


hyaluronic acid hydrating serum hydration moisture moisturizer Natriumhyaluronat sodium hyaluronate

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