Vitamin K in your skincare

Geposted von Elisa Ansar am

Vitamin K For The Skin

Vitamin K is an essential component the body needs to clot blood properly and is important for the bones. It might also be beneficial for the skin due to providing antioxidant and cicatrizant properties. 

What is Vitamin K?

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin synthesized in the large intestine. It’s found in food, and its primary function is to help the body's protein production needed for blood clotting. It also plays a role in calcium regulation and bone health.

This vitamin can be divided into two types:

  • K1 or phylloquinone: it’s found on green vegetables. 
  • K2 or menaquinones: It’s produced in the intestinal flora and can be found in meat and some cheeses. 

What should you know about vitamin K?

Vitamin K is a vitamin that improves tissue creation and might have antioxidant properties for the skin. It may also help to treat redness and irritation. 

It’s safe to use topical vitamin K twice daily and is suitable for all skin types, as well as sensitive skin conditions. It’s recommended to combine its use with vitamin E, C, or retinol to achieve better results. You could easily add vitamin k to your skincare routine because it’s safe to use with most ingredients and products.

Vitamin K can also be taken orally through supplements, but you should ask for professional advice before using them.

Here is a list of food you should ingest to have a diet rich in vitamin K: 

  • Kale. 
  • Spinach. 
  • Broccoli. 
  • Green beans. 
  • Strawberries.
  • Meat.
  • Eggs. 
  • Whole milk. 
  • Turnip greens. 

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Benefits of Vitamin K for Skin

  • Cicatrizant: Vitamin K might have healing properties because it helps form collagen and blood vessels. 
  • Antioxidant: It could help to slow down the action of free radicals that the skin receives daily from solar radiation.
  • Beneficial to wrinkles and stretch marks: It might improve wrinkles and stretch mark areas.  
  • It reduces dark circles and bags under the eyes: Since it has a high coagulant power, it might improve blood circulation and reduce hematomas, attenuating dark circles and eye fatigue. 

Side-effects of Vitamin K

Vitamin K doesn’t have known side effects. It’s not irritating and trying it doesn't cause any harm. However, people at risk of blood clots should ask their doctor before using this vitamin. 

Although rare, it’s possible to have an allergic reaction to topical vitamin K. Try a patch test first before applying it to larger areas. 

How to Use It

Topical vitamin K creams can be used up to twice a day and are suitable for all skin types. They are also ideal for sensitive skin. Ideally, apply it in the morning on a clean face with light touches with your fingers for better absorption.

Our recommendations

Vitamin K is essential for proper body functioning and has several benefits for the skin. 

To boost vitamin K benefits, we also recommend combining it with ingredients like: 

You should also know that on most occasions, vitamin K supplements are not necessary. The human body can produce and absorb enough of this vitamin, especially if you have the proper diet. Although they are not harmful, it is best to seek medical advice before taking such supplements.

holistic skin care skin vitamin k

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